[ICYMI] Being a Doggy Mama - Funny Moments with Puppy Dog 1

In case you missed it...
This is a repost. This was originally posted Saturday, April 25, 2009 at 10:29PM. But the thing with blogs is, new people find them all the time, and who the hell has the time to search through all the crap I've written in the past? So, now and then, I'm gonna regurgitate some of it for you.
Funny moments with Puppy Dog
- You fart audibly while standing next to him. He looks up at you, puzzled, then steps back behind you and sniffs your butt.
- You carry your dinner from the kitchen to the lounge. He follows you, nose in the air, sniffing like a cartoon character savouring a wafting yellow or pink colored smell in the air
- He walks round and round on his cushion, paws it a few times, then plonks himself down
- His head pops up from behind the coffee table if he hears a squeaking noise on the TV
- He gets up from his lounge cushion at 11pm, walks across the dining room, claws clicking on the wooden floor, looks back at us - still watching TV - resentfully, and pads off to the bedroom. It's obviously bedtime, and we are late!
To read more in the Being a Doggy Mama series, click here.
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