He Said She Said - Pill Popping

"I can't remember if I took my pill or not this morning," she said.
"Pill?" he asked.
"My anti-depressant," she said. "I take it as soon as I get up. Do you remember hearing my pill bottle rattle?"
"Well, Thanks a lot," she said, dripping sarcasm.
"I was asleep!" he protested. "What happens if you don't take it? Do you get tired?"
"No," she said. "I get emotional."
"Oh," he said. "That could be bad at work."
"Yes, and then sometimes I get a bit pissed off."
"Oh," he said, "not good."
"Then the really weird thoughts come. I start to think about spousicide."
"You wha--?"
"Then there's the God phase," she said, "where I walk around raising my arm like this and pointing at people and yelling I SMITE THEE! I SMITE THEE!"
"Very funny," he sighed.
"What was the point where I still had you?" she giggled.
"Not telling," he said, grinning.
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Reader Comments (2)
I hate it when I forget if I've taken my pill(s) for the day or not. Even the daily reminder pill box is sometimes not helpful, since my days aren't exactly normal.
I know! It's so annoying. I came up with a system... put the pill on top of the pillbox in the evening, so then I'd know if I hadn't taken it in the morning. But then I forgot to do that!