He said She said - Infidelity?

"Morning, Honey," he yawned
"Fuck off!" she said.
"Well, someone got out of bed the farty side this morning! What's wrong?"
"We were at a big wedding. We were in the wedding party. There were so many people that they put boys and girls in bunk beds in separate rooms. You got really drunk at the wedding. Then, in the middle of the night I hear this noise. I peak into the boy's room and there you are, being fucked by some small guy called NJ and you are shouting out his name and everyone is awake and watching you. And then the next day I have to go to breakfast in the hotel with the rest of the wedding party and I am so humiliated!"
He paused, then took a very, very deep breath.
"Honey," he said softly, "it was-" his voice rose (he couldn't help himself) "-a DREAM!"
"It was very vivid!" she sniffed.
He wrestled her to the couch, dragged a blanket over them and cuddled her.
"It was a dream...." he soothed.
They lay there a while, warm and cosy.
"Who is NJ anyway?" he whispered.
"I have no idea," she said, "but I'd like to know what he has that I don't!"
He thought about the fact that, if he had been gay, the answer to that question would've been pretty damn obvious, but he decided not to go there.
Much, much safer that way.
He kept hugging her for a few minutes, then got up.
"I have to get some coffee," he said.
"Oh fine!" she snapped. "Off you go then! ADULTERER!"
To read more in this series, click here.
Reader Comments (1)
*snort* *snort* *snort*
Usually I just spend some time mad at the "offending" party before I realize it was a dream.