Hell is other people - I don't need you to narrate my life, Bitch

I fucked up today.
There's no other word for it and there's no-one else to blame for it.
It was me - and I was fucking up.
But what I didn't need was some uppity Bitch making it worse.
I was driving Fluffy Bear to a drinks thing with his friends and I ended up in the wrong lane. I needed to turn right. Perhaps, I thought, some kind soul in the right turning lane will forgive me for being stupid and let me in. So I put my indicator (signal) on and was watching the rear view mirror to see if the little white car would slow down and let me go. And it did. How nice!
What I wasn't watching was the pedestrian crossing and, as I turned, I suddenly saw some poor girl on a bicycle, on my right, brake at the last minute and nearly get hit by our car. I braked hard and said I was sorry to her. She said it was OK and got her balance back.
I wanted to say more to her when Bicycle Bitch came up on my left.
I just want to say up front that Bicycle Bitch stopped me from making another, proper apology to the poor girl I nearly ran over, and that is what I am most mad about.
Second, I am mad that she rode accross from the other side of the road to come and shout and me. Because that is fucking sad and pathetic.
Third, I am mad that she thought it appropriate to yell at me immediately after what could have been a horrible accident, when I was still in shock.
Last but not least, I am mad about what she said.
"Geez, Lady!" she yelled. "You just turned accross oncoming traffic [note - not true] and then headed right accross the CROSSWALK!
"Thank you so much for pointing that out to me," I told her in my most upper class, withering, look-down-your-nose, British accent.
"That was," I continued, "very considerate of you. It was also so very helpful, because I am completely incapable of recognizing or analyzing my own mistakes."
Fucking Bitch.
Hell is other people.
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