Post-its of wrath - Scifi PC

This series is inspired byThe Blogess's post about stabbing Victor.
These post-its are not real.They are just in my head. I love my husband. Seriously.
Dear Fluffy Bear
We watch a lot of science fiction. Well, you do. I just follow my mother's "marriage is compromise" advice.
Anyway, I've learnt that anything is possible. I was on Mulder's side in the X Files. I always thought Scully could do with having a good shag to loosen her up.
Anyway, I digress.
So here's the thing... Is there an alien in your PC? Is it a Stargate? Are you drawn to it, against your will, bathed in an eerie blue-green light and with high pitched Woo-ooo-ooo music in the background?
Is that what happens?
Why else would you go straight to your keyboard before brushing your teeth, having breakfast or FEEDING THE DOG?
How do we fight this evil power? Is there a code we need Starbuck to find? An artefact we need to steal from Warehouse 13? Should I call The Doctor?
Help me Fluffy-wan-Kanobi. Explanation is YOUR only hope.
To read more in the Post-its of Wrath series, click here.
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