Hello from Puppy Dog - Dogette and me

Hello Friends!
Dogette is my girlfriend and I love her.
She is older than me, so Mama tells me I am Dogette's Toy Boy. I don't know what a Toy Boy is. I guess Mama calls me that 'cos Dogette bites me like she does to her toys.
Dogette is coming to stay with us for a few days tomorrow.
I can't wait!
We are going to run and play and bark and play and growl and play and chase and play and bite and play and then Dada is going to tell us to shut up so we'll stay still for three minutes and then we'll bark and play and growl and play and...
Anyway, I told Dogette about the horrible Postman and she wasn't impressed.
"Omigod Puppy Dog!" she said. "This one time? We had workmen in our house? And I TOTALLY got out of the yard? And I chased the Postman down the street! I ran and I growled and I barked! It was, like, SICK.
My Daddy had to run? And he had to catch me? And the Postman was such a TARD. He was, like, AH WON'T DELIVER MAIL TO YOUR WHOLE BLOCK! And my Daddy was, like, SORRY. And I was, like, I'm NOT sorry 'cos you are a TARD. And my Daddy was, like, dragging me back into the house? And it was so LAME.
So please don't tell me 'bout just LUNGING at the Postman 'cos that is so RANDOM! You should have, like, CHASED him!"
"Oh HEEEELL NO! Talk to the PAW!" I told her. "Were YOU there? Were you?
I don't THINK so.
You. Weren't. THERE.
I only lunged 'cos my Mama was, like, RIGHT THERE and she, like, got between me and the Postman so what you 'spect me to do?
Anyway, I made my Postman SCREAM. It was, um, SICKER.
I am totally BADASS."
I think I heard her mumble something about smelly ass not badass but I decided to just let her win.
After all, happy bitch = no glitch.
Lots of licks and woofs,
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