Hello from Puppy Dog - Dogette

Hello Friends!
Dogette is here!
We were growly playing and then - and then! - the Postman came!
We were the perfect Ninja team! We jumped up against the front door and barked and growled and jumped and barked and growled.
Then Killjoy Mama came and made us be quiet and sit.
You should've seen us!
Dogette said I should call her Bonnie and she'd call me Clyde!
Dogette said she should call me Mickey and I should call her Mallorie!
When I asked why she said it's 'cos we were like those other Dynamic Duos who were lean and mean!
I said Dogette should call me Statler and I should call her Waldorf!
Dogette just rolled her eyes.
I really don't understand women sometimes.
Lots of licks and woofs,
Puppy Dog
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