He Said She Said - Spicy Ricy

Her phone rang. It was him.
"Hello my darling," she said."Honey," he said, "was there anything you wanted to tell me before you left the house?"
She racked her brain.
What had she forgotten?
Was there a piece of important snail mail she should have given him?
Had he somehow found her amusing birthday card stash months before it was time?
Did someone come to the house who was invited to dinner and she'd forgotten to tell him?
Nope. Nothing. She gave up.
"What didn't I tell you, honey?" she simpered."Um - that you had left rice on the stove?""Ooooooooh shit. Did you find it?""Yes, when I smelt smoke.""NO! Was it on fire?""Almost. I had to take it out into the yard.""Why didn't Puppy Dog warn you?" she asked, trying desperately to turn this into something funny."That's a good point!" he said, playing the game. He spoke away from his phone. "Puppy Dog, why didn't you warn me there was a child stuck in a well and the rice was on fire?"
Incredibly relieved, she laughed.
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