Dear Diary - I am Woman, Hear me Whimper

Dear Diary,
Turning 40 sucks.
Maybe it won't/didn't for you, but for me it did.
So there.
Why does turning 40 suck?
- Because all my friends expect me to have a big party and all I want to do is climb under the duvet and hide for 6 months
- Because that hotel that gave us 3 free nights turned out to have crappy food and crappier service and was so fucking overpriced that we ended up spending a fortune there anyway - so much for a deal
- Because I don't have a job and every time I think of a fun thing to do - like have a massage - I remember, a second later, that I can't afford it
- Because I had a wonderful interview today with a lovely person and then, suddenly, I realized that, if I got this job, my boss would be almost ten years younger than me
- Because I made a resolution 9 months ago to weigh 75kgs by the time I turned 40 and - guess what? - I weigh exactly the same as last year
- Because I feel stuck.
And this is why I have two pints of Ben and Jerrys in the freezer and a life plan and goal setting can wait until tomorrow.
Bah Humbug!
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