I'm jus' sayin' - Puppy farts
How the hell can something so SMALL and so CUTE let out gas so POTENT and NOXIOUS?
I'm jus' sayin'
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How the hell can something so SMALL and so CUTE let out gas so POTENT and NOXIOUS?
I'm jus' sayin'
Horror movies are not a good cure for insomnia.
Even if they have John Cusack in them.
I'm jus' sayin'.
It's disturbing to find yourself, after a perfectly pleasant pee, peering into the toilet bowl and thinking "What the hell just came out of my body and why the hell didn't I feel it?" and then realize, on closer inspection, that it is a small, dead, brown leaf.
Very disturbing.
Extremely disturbing.
I'm jus' sayin'.
Being unemployed and sometimes not leaving the house for the whole day can be dangerous.
Becoming sloppy about your personal appearance can be dangerous.
Waking up later and later in the morning can be dangerous.
Because that is how you find yourself opening the door to a charity person and, only when they look very uncomfortable, realizing that you have gravity-defying, Medusa-like bed hair and you are only wearing a T-shirt and panties.
This unemployment thing is a slippery slope to becoming known as the Crazy Lady on the block.
I'm jus' sayin'.
Taking stool softeners, then forgetting you have taken them, then taking a laxative at bedtime.
Not a good idea.
It's gonna be a long day.
I'm jus' sayin'...