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« Depression and ECT 41: The Bully | Main | Depression and ECT 39: A difficult morning »

Depression and ECT 40: Morning routine

I've suffered from depression since I was a pre-teen. In 2012 I got very sick, becoming suicidal. In 2013 I decided to try ElectroConvulsive Therapy. The "Depression" series of blog posts chronicles that process.

I have a new morning routine.

The alarm goes off, I get up and feed the dogs and then I get back into bed and practice mindfulness. Another alarm goes off half an hour after the first, and then I get up for real.

The mindfulness I practice is simply checking in with myself. How do I feel, what happened yesterday, what's on the agenda today, and how do I feel about all of it. I just try to get in touch with my emotions.

Sometimes I get out of bed and go and sit on cross legged on the sofa, light a scented candle and concentrate on counting my breaths in and out for ten minutes.

Either way, I'm doing my best to start each morning with ten minutes of some form of meditation, however light and however short.

I'm trying.

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