Depression and ECT 6

I've suffered from depression since I was a pre-teen. In 2012 I got very sick, becoming suicidal. In 2013 I decided to try ElectroConvulsive Therapy. The "Depression" series of blog posts chronicles that process.
To start the Depression series at the beginning, click here:
Dealing with ECT side effects:
I've bought those big pill dispenser trays and laid one out with my morning meds and vitamins, and another with my bedtime meds, for a whole month. Begone short term memory loss!
I've explained to my friends that I am not allowed to drive the whole month, so a few of them are helping out by giving me rides.
I've bought coconut water and leave it in the car to drink after treatments to rehydrate.
I've put all the bills and documents I need to deal with on the fridge, with magnets.
I've put everything I can think of, that makes sense, into my iPhone schedule.
To start the Depression series at the beginning, click here:
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