Hell is Other People - Unfriend!

Once upon a time, before Depression really took hold, I was actually funny. This is one of my old blog posts. If you want to read more in this series, click the Tag at the bottom. To explore different series, click the Category links on the left.
If Facebook made me answer a survey about why I unfriended you, these are the choices I'd want them to include:
Your constant preaching about your eating methodology/pop psychology theory/tree hugging hippy crap became tedious.
Your children are interesting but I'm friends with YOU. I never hear anything about what you're doing.
God is far more inclusive and tolerant than you give him/her credit for.
I told myself one more positive pop psychology photo and I was going to kill you, so I'm unfriending you to save your life.
You're proof that gender/sexual preference/race/human rights/female body/healthcare activism still needs our fervent support.
There has to be more to your life than photographic evidence of your excessive calorie consumption.
There's has to be more to your life than the happenstance, at any given moment, of your physical location.
Guess what? The pogrom is over. Stop kvetching already,
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