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Puppy Talk - Potty Time

Puppy Girl:  YAY!  Mama's opening the door!  Potty time!  I reeeeeeally need to pee!
Puppy Dog:  What the hell is this?
Puppy Girl:  I heard Mama and Dada talking.  It's a fence.
Puppy Dog:  What?
Puppy Girl:  Oooooh, that feels good... What?
Puppy Dog:  I said: 'What?'
Puppy Girl:  No, I said What.
Puppy Dog:  Oh, for God's sake!  What's the fence for?
Puppy Girl:  They said it's for the grass.
Puppy Dog:  That's ridiculous.  It's not on the grass.  It's on the path.
Puppy Girl:  I dunno.  You better hurry up and go potty.  Mama's calling us.
Puppy Dog:  I can't go potty.  My potty place is over there.
Puppy Girl:  Too bad.  You can't get there.  You'll just have to potty here on the bark like I do.
Puppy Dog:  This is ridiculous!  I refuse to go potty there.  That is your potty place.  My potty place is on the grass.  The nice, soft, damp grass.  Wait.  Maybe I can get under the fence over here--- No.  Maybe over there?  No.  Maybe around the end here...
Puppy Girl:  It's not gonna werrrrr-herrrrrk! 
Puppy Dog:  Screw this.  Unlike you, I'm a big boy.  I can hold it.  I'm not going potty.  I'm going to bed.
Puppy Girl:  Too bad for you, then.
Puppy Dog:  Dammit!
Puppy Girl:  HAHA!  Mama sent you outside again, didn't she?  You'll have to go potty now!
Puppy Dog:  Shut up.  You're so annoying.
Puppy Girl:  You're so annoying!  
Puppy Dog:  How come your potty place doesn't have a fence around it?  So unfair!  I hate you!
Puppy Girl:  I hate YOU!
Puppy Dog:  Oh, shut up.
Puppy Girl [gasping in horror] : Are you going potty against the fence?
Puppy Dog:  Yes.  It's as close to my potty spot as I can get.
Puppy Girl:  You're going to get into truh-hubble!
Puppy Dog:  Shut up.  Mama wasn't looking.
Puppy Girl:  I'm gonna tell!  Mama!  MAMA!
Puppy Dog:  I can't tell you how much I hate you.
Puppy Girl:  Mama's busy.  She's going potty.
Puppy Dog:  HAH!  So there!
Puppy Girl:  You're so naughty!
Puppy Dog:  Just shut up!
Puppy Girl:  No, YOU shut up!
Puppy Dog:  No, YOU-- wait, forget this.  I'm going to bed.
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