He Said She Said - Pillow Talk

"I'm so tired," he said, getting into bed.
"Me too," she said, "and my feet are cold."
"AAAARGH!" he yelled.
"What? You're supposed to warm my feet. It's a husband's duty."
"Not when your feet are ICE BLOCKS!"
"Aw, Honey, come on..."
"No!" he said, wrapping himself up in the covers, creating a comforter wall between them.
"You know what?" she said, poking him. "This is why the bed is in such a mess in the morning and the fitted sheet has come loose! When you are away on business and I wake up in the morning, the bed is perfect. There's just the triangle where I've folded back the stuff to get out of bed. I swear, next time you travel I'm going to send you a picture to prove it to you."
"Actually when I was at that conference two years ago and R--- and B--- and I were sharing a room, they shared a bed and left me alone. B--- said I'm the messiest sleeper he's ever seen."
"Ah-HAH! So now the truth comes out. Why didn't you tell me this before?"
"It - uh - slipped my mind."
"HAH! Did B--- also say you snore?"
"Oh, hang on a second! Last night you and Puppy Dog and Puppy Girl were giving me a snore-symphony!"
"Uh, no, if there's anyone who takes part in the snorephony, it's you. And by the way, when you fall asleep and dream, you twitch, just like the dogs do."
"I do?"
"Yep," she giggled. "I can hear their nails scritching on their beds, and you rock our mattress in tandem. I know they're dreaming about chasing balls, but what are you dreaming about?"
"Chasing boobies!"
"Wow. I'm so shocked I don't think I can sleep now," she said, yawning.
"Good night, darling," he said, kissing her.
"Night night," she sighed.
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