Puppy Talk - Close call

Puppy Girl: This is such fun! I love going on walks. Don't you think it's fun?
Puppy Dog: [Sniffsniffsniff] Hmm... Cockapoo. About half an hour ago.
Puppy Girl: I love the grass, and the flowers, and the trees, and the people who walk past and the sun...
Puppy Dog: [Sniffsniffsniff] Cat, one day ago.
Puppy Girl: Why do you keep zigzagging about? You're tangling the leashes! That means I can't move! What are you doing?
Puppy Dog: [Sniffsniffsniff] Boxer, ten minutes ago. Ooh! Pup-bearing potential! [Sniffsniffsniff] Yes, definitely potential...
Puppy Dog: [Sniffsniff--] SQUIRREL!!!
Puppy Girl: SQUIRREL!!!
Puppy Dog and Puppy Girl: SQUIRREL!!! SQUIRREL!!! SQUIRREL!!!
Puppy Girl: Ooh, look! Mama let go of the leash! I'm free!
Puppy Girl: I'm free! What fun! I can go here. And I can go here. And I can go here.
Puppy Dog: Aw, Mama why did you make me come back to you? Can't you see the furry-tailed Evil? It's RIGHT THERE! I can get it! I can! Oh, OK! OK! So unfair!
Puppy Girl: Free! Free! I'm free! Weeee-heee! Oops! That moving den nearly hit me! Mama! Mama! That moving den nearly hit me! That wasn't fun! Hey, why is Mama mad at me!
Puppy Dog: You went into the road, Stupid.
Puppy Girl: So what? I was FREEEEEE!
Puppy Dog: We're not allowed into the road, Stupid.
Puppy Girl: Why's Mama so upset?
Puppy Dog: Because. You. Could. Have. Been. Squished. You. Stupid. Stupid. STUPID!
Puppy Girl: Stop calling me names! You're the one who went after the Evil Squirrel first! You freed us! I just celebrated that freedom.
Puppy Dog: You are not. Allowed. In the road.
Puppy Girl: Well, this is no fun. I hate Heel.
Puppy Dog: It's your fault we're on heel.
Puppy Girl: Pffft! You went after the squirrel!
Puppy Dog: So did you.
Puppy Girl: You did it first.
Puppy Dog: You went into the road!
Puppy Girl: It's your fault!
Puppy Girl: I HATE YOU!
Puppy Dog: I HATE YOU!
Puppy Girl: [mumbling] You weren't even fast enough to get the squirrel, so there!
Puppy Dog: WHAT?
Puppy Girl: Nothing. I hate you.
Puppy Dog: I hate you.
Puppy Girl: Look! We're home already!
Puppy Dog: Shut up.
Puppy Girl: I still hate you.
Puppy Dog: Shut up, I'm going to nap.
Puppy Girl: I'm going to ask Mama to throw the ball for me! Yippeee!
Puppy Dog: Yeah, g'luck with that.
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