[ICYMI] Diary of an Ex-Employee

In case you missed it...
Did you miss my rantings when I was unemployed?
I went through all the stages of grief, a bit of relief, regained my self-belief, and enjoyed a wonderful summer.
Here's a taste:
So.... Maybe I need to stop over-thinking this and accept I just have a cold.OK. I can do that.So I'm cooking up a brew. There's fresh grated ginger and fresh squeezed organic lemon juice and a fresh cinnamon stick. Unfortunately I forgot to get honey so I had to carve some crystallized New Zealand stuff out of an old jar, but let's not be too fussy.It's all stewing in water on the stove and I am enjoying thinking "Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble" when I stir it. I am not actually saying it out loud, because I still sound like the bastard child of Kathleen Turner and James Earl Jones.
To read more, start the series here...
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