He Said She Said - Dinner

"Thanks for picking me up from work, Honey," she said."That's OK, Baby," he said. "I think you'll like dinner tonight," he added.
"Ooh!" she said. "What is it?"
"It's Julia Childs' Boeuf Bourgingnon."
"Hang on a second," she said. "We watched Julie and Julia and you, the HUSBAND, got inspired?"
"Yes! What's wrong with that?"
"Absolutely nothing," she said. "In fact, quite the opposite. See THIS is why I tell people that you're a Keeper!"
"Damn right!" he said. "And don't you forget it!"
To read more He Said She Said, click here.
Reader Comments (3)
My Hubby is the cook in my family. I can barely do cereal without screwing it up! And yeah, he's a keeper!
So, how was dinner?
You are a lucky gal!! I couldn't even get hubby to WATCH Julie & Julia with me.. much less consider preparing a dinner inspired by the movie!
Hope it was a great meal!
Damn, girls, dinner was A. MA. ZING.
And he didn't even use real butter!