He Said She Said - Yelling

"NO!" she yelled.
"What are you yelling about?" he asked, coming into the kitchen
"What am I yelling about?" she snapped. "What am I yelling about? I'll TELL you what I'm yelling about.
I'm yelling at our puppy who insists on licking the dishwasher every time I open it, even if it is covered in soap.
I'm yelling about the fact that I just scooped two tons of dog shit from the garden and had to wash away half of it with the hose because it was so wet from the rain.
I'm yelling about the fact that I just had to scrape dog shit off my shoe.
I'm yelling about the fact that there were paw prints in the dog shit, which means that we are literally living in shit.
I'm yelling about the fact that it took me half an hour to clear and clean the kitchen and I go into the lounge to sit down, and there are 7 cups, glasses and bowls in there with snotty tissues.
I'm yelling about the fact that I was finally hitting a great fitness routine, proud of myself that I'd gone to two aerobics classes and one yoga class in a week, and I injure my knee, like my body is betraying me. Like I'm getting old.
I'm yelling about the fact that I took care of the dogs and the house and my job for ten days while you were overseas visiting your family and having exciting meetings for your start up and going to free parties and that, when you finally come home and I think you can help out, you're sick and lying asleep on the couch for a week.
I am yelling about the fact that, in all this, when I try to deal with my stress, you shit on me for having $76 massage, when the real reason we are up shit creek financially is that we are subsidizing your new business.
I'm yelling about the fact that I spent three days in a training course this week in the same room as the CIO, on my very best behavior, energy up and 'on' all the time, only to come back to the office to find a colleague in my team wants to leave because she used to be the star and now she thinks I'm showing her up. So even in the one place - THE ONE PLACE - that I can be myself, be happy, show my capabilities, I now have to hold back to consider her feeeeeeelings.
I am yelling about the fact that I honestly cannot remember the last time I had any real, unbridled, joyous, cathartic, let-go, free-spirit FUN!
He reached out to hold her, but she pushed him away.
There would be no simple resolution today.
To read more in the He Said She Said series, click here.
Reader Comments (5)
I'm in dire need of fun, too, but it's not financially possible these days. I feel your pain. I wish I had some advice for you, but I got nuttin'. Will *hugs* suffice?
Hugs are amazing. Thank you. I'm thinking of taking a dance class but, yes, money is a problem here too.
We have all had these days.... hang in there!
@The Hubby Diaries
Thanks - sometimes I need to be reminded that I am not alone in my insanity!
Aw sweetie. Wish I weren't slammed and on my way out of town. What's considered free spirit fun, and it will be first on my list to obtain for you when I return.