He Said She Said - Negotiation

They were walking home from the grocery store.
"Can you wait till tomorrow night for the roast vegetables for your lunches at work?" he asked.
"Yes," she said. "Why?"
"I'm too tired to cook. I'm thinking of just defrosting and heating up the leftover chili."
"Well, I won't say no to that," she said. "That chili was amazing. Also, I cooked a big pot of rice the other night so there's rice in the freezer."
"I''m going to have a baked potato," he said. "But you can have rice."
"When we get home I'll hit the kitchen," he said.
"And when we get home I'll hit the couch," she said. "I am going to hit the couch so hard it's going to call an abuse hotline for rescue!"
"Can you feed the dogs, first?" he asked.
"Sure," she said, adding: "I find these domestic negotiations so sexy."
"Well you can do it in lingerie if you like," he said.
"WHAT?" she screeched.
"You can do it in lingerie if you like," he repeated.
"Oh, thank God!" she sighed. "I thought you said you were going to cook in lingerie!"
"Well I can if you want, but I don't think any of your stuff would fit me."
"OK, just stop!" she said. "This is not a mental image I need."
"OI!" he replied, indignant. "There's people who'd pay good money to see that!"
"Yes, dear, but they're all men."
"Oh, very funny!" he said.
To read more in the He Said She Said series, click here.
Reader Comments (2)
Communication is often a Venus/Mars thing, no matter how we strive to understand. On the other hand, I'd faint from shock if my hubby asked me to do anything in lingerie aside from sleeping in the other room or doing yard work. Enjoy it while ye may, LOL!
The last time my lingerie saw the light of day, Bush was president!