Hello from Puppy Dog - Jumping out of cars

Hello Friends!
Today Mama took me for a walk in that place where she goes to talk to a nice lady for an hour. Sometimes I go with Mama when she goes to talk to the nice lady. I don't know what they talk about but sometimes Mama cries and sometimes she laughs but mostly they just talk a lot. It all seems very intense. I just sniff the room to see where the nice lady's Golden Retriever has been and then I lie down and sleep. OK, OK, sometimes I get bored and I sit in front of the door and make little noises, or I go up to Mama or the nice lady to be petted, but mostly I let them get on with it.
Mama took me for a walk before we went to the nice lady. We were walking between very big, very naughty houses. They must have been naughty because Mama kept sighing and saying "Fuuuuuuuuck."
Then we found a place where I could jump into the water! It was fun! There were rocks to sniff under and everything!
I keep losing track of the point of this story. Sorry.
So we are walking along and we pass a really cute, fluffy, white dog sitting in her dada's truck. I said hello to her and she said hello to me and I said do you want to play and she said yes and I said but you are up there with your dada and she said well screw him I don't have my leash on and she jumped out the truck window!
Mama let me sniff her and circle her and kept calling us to play next to the truck. We never got to actually play because her dada ran round to where we were. Then I realized Mama had been calling us over to the truck to help Cute Dog's dada grab her! Mama even opened the truck door so Cute Dog's dada could make her go back inside!
Mama is a traitor!
She just wants to stop me from having fun with cute girl dogs! It's SO unfair!
So we carried on walking and I was pissed off.
I was thinking about how to get Mama back, but then I got distracted by some smells coming from a coffee shop and I forgot what I---
Is that beef? Mmmmmm....
What was I saying?
Oh, yes.
Then we stopped at a coffee shop and then Mama gave me a teeny tiny piece (she's so selfish) of her banana bread and then we went to see the nice lady and Mama talked a lot and then we went back to the moving den.
And that's when I got my chance for revenge.
Mama put me in the back part of the moving den, my special part. But she had the door still open and she was arranging things around me when a little dog walked past with a small hairless ape holding its leash. I decided I wanted to say hello and Mama was not going to keep me from playing this time so I jumped out of the back of the moving den to go see the little dog.
Mama must have tried to grab the extendable leash with her hand but I kept going and so the leash must have burnt her finger because she yelled "OW!" very loudly and the little hairless ape turned his head when she yelled and saw me running towards him and he must've got scared 'cos he looked pale but all I was going to do was say hello to his little dog. And then Mama was saying sorry to the little hairless ape's mama and sucking her finger and shooing me back to the moving den.
Mama needs to learn that dogs sometimes just need to play and say hello to each other.
I think I taught her a lesson today.
Lots of licks and woofs,
Puppy Dog
Reader Comments (2)
PD, you are still young. No matter how much you study the hairless apes, especially your parents, they are always unpredictable. When my Mama is talking sweet to me with the word "come" in with the all noise, and she's really being sweet, it usually means something bad is going to happen. Most of the problem comes from the poor breeding of hairless apes. They are born hairless (no hackles to stand up), tailless (so missing 30% of their communications skills), and their ears are totally useless for both hearing and signaling. If you do something good and are given a squit (bisquit - Mama can't spell), that is OK. If your are offered a squit and asked to do something, be very very very suspicious.
You are so right Duncan! Hairless Apes cannot be trusted.