He Said She Said - Solve for x

"I think we wrote them down wrong," he said.
"Wrote what, what?" she asked.
"The equations. Last night. You know."
"The equations?"
"Yes. You remember. There was that scene in Heroes where Claire has to take an algebra test and I said I'd like to try doing the maths again and you said we should race so we rewound and paused and copied down the quadratic equations and both tried to solve for x while we watched the rest of the pilot, remember?"
"Yes," she said, "I remember. I was just winding you up."
"Very funny," he said. "Anyway, I think we wrote them down wrong."
"I thought I managed to stop you doing them after an hour and a half. I remember saying to you that getting your geek on is fine, but going into the Aspergers zone is forbidden."
"I carried on working on them." He grinned, sheepishly.
"When?" she asked.
"After you fell asleep. In bed."
"For how long?"
"Just an hour."
"Anyway, I think we wrote them down wrong because two of the equations solve perfectly and two don't."
"Oh my holy God. You do realize, don't you, that right now, as we speak, there are people in the Heroes writer's room still giggling over the fact that they put bogus equations out there which are driving Geekdom crazy?"
"Well, I--"
"And please tell me you didn't Google for the answer!"
"No, I didn't."
"Thank God! There's still hope."
"Anyway, I just wanted to say that--"
"Enough! I am never letting you rewind for maths again. Bad maths! BAD! I'm leaving now."
She turned her back and started to walk away.
He yelled after her.
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