He Said She Said - Quality time

They were watching TV.
Something was chasing the hero and his sidekick through the forest.
"Omigod, this is stupid," she said.
The sidekick tripped and fell.
"Well that's original!" she quipped.
At the last minute, the hero dragged his sidekick to safety.
"Screw this," she said, getting up from the couch, "I'm going to clean up the dishes."
She stomped off to the kitchen. There was a lot of clanging and slooshing as she loaded the dishwasher, washed the pots and cleaned the counter tops.
She came back and sat down.
"Where the hell is he going?" she asked.
He sighed.
"He has to go to the magical island to save the prince," he said.
"Why?" she asked.
"To get a cure," he said.
They watched, for a few minutes, in silence.
Then the beast was revealed.
"ARGH!" she screamed. "You didn't tell me this was going to be scary."
"It's just a TV show, Honey," he said in a placating tone.
The show continued.
"How do we know the cure will work, anyway?" she asked.
"The African wizard told him," he said.
"What wizard?" she asked.
"Do you want me to REWIND the show?" he asked, his voice rising with impatience.
"No," she said quietly.
There was a short pause.
"Oh puh-leeeez," she smirked. "Like there were African wizards in Medieval England!"
"HONEY!" he yelled.
"What?" she squealed. "You always say I don't sit with you and watch your shows! I'm sitting, I'm watching!"
"Just... SSSH!" he hissed.
They kept watching.
"This is stupid, anyway," she mumbled.
He heaved a very long, very deep, sigh.
Reader Comments (2)
Sounds very much like my world... Only my hubby only watches really bad old western movies and things like Conan The Barbarian, LOL! "Well, phooey! That large breasted woman just got killed. What a freaking shame!" Bless their pointed little heads.
This is why we have our own designated TVs...
If we had designated TVs then a) we'd never see each other and b) we'd have nothing to talk about.
Besides, seeing my husband hide behind a cushion, bite it and make tiny whimpering noises while being made to watch Real Housewives of Atlanta is the highlight of my week!
And yes, pointy head he has for sure.