That's life - Old lady

So I am at a Depeche Mode concert.
On my left there are two young girls, then a young boy, then a guy who looks older than me.
The young girls are dancing and singing with me, and I am pretty impressed that they know the old DM stuff as well as the new songs - especially considering they weren't born when some of these songs came out.
Eventually I turn to the adorable little blond next to me and, thinking they are a family, point to the older guy and yell over the music:
"Is that your dad?"
She looks at me as if I am insane.
OK, not a family.
I change tack.
"How old are you?" I yell.
"Nineteen!" she shouts back, pointing at herself and her friend.
"Oh wow!" I screech.
And then I have one of those moments where I say something which, even as it is only half way out of my mouth, I realize is so impossibly, totally stupid. So lame. So uncool. So Whatever-the-fuck-word-kids-use-for-moron-adults-these-days.
"It's so cool that Depeche Mode has young fans!" I scream, giving them the thumbs up.
And there you have it.
Suddenly I'm the old lady at the concert who was, like, around when, like Depeche Mode was, like, first coming out and why is she, like, even talking to us?
Oy vey.
Reader Comments (3)
I was laughing so hard I was choking, snorting & farting, all @ the same time. Let me just say thanks for that. Whew! So sorry, but it's just nice to know I'm not the only one guilty of such ridiculous behavior. And yet I continue to embarrass myself in this same manner. Makes me feel like a fly, ya know? That keeps hitting the window & still no light bulb in the old bean? Like when I asked a friend of my son's when the baby was due & she replied she wasn't pregnant. Ooops. Shit. I really do hate when that happens. Like those Empire dresses they all wear don't make them look like they are preggers. Whatever.
We went out to dinner tonight & I might or might not have had too much wine after that one martini. Did I made any sense at all?
Oh - And if it makes you feel any younger... I can't even remember who Depeche Mode is, LOL!
Liz, I may be falling in love with you.
Thank GOD I am not the only one.