Hello from Puppy Dog - Mama's Pecadilloes

Hello Friends!
I know Mama has been writing about me, so I decided fair's fair - I am going to tell you about Mama's peccadilloes!
Mama talks to me in strange ways. I know I'm still a (fur)kid, but she sometimes talks to me like I am still a little puppy who doesn't know anything about the world. It can be a bit annoying, really.
She also seems to think I can't understand proper English. So there's the high voice, and then there's the funny words:
- Haffgoddabaw? = Have you got a ball? This means Mama is going to play Fetch with me when she sees me bring her a tennis ball. So, even though it sounds kinda silly, it means we're going to play!
- Hoozgoobaw? - Who's a good boy? This is when Mama is happy with me and it means I am going to get petted and scratched behind the ears and stroked. He he he. I like being scratched behind the ears.
- Wezzabaw? = Where's the ball? This is when Mama decides she wants to play Fetch with me, which happens at the strangest times and is always a wonderful surprise! So she is asking me to go find a ball so we can play together. I always find one really fast.
- Cumseetya! = Come and sit here. This is when Mama calls me to sit on the couch with her. I can curl up and she scratches the top of my head and I can rest my chin on her leg and it's really snuggly and warm and mmmmmmmm....
- Wotchoodoo? = What are you doing? Mama says this to me as she stamps both her feet on the ground and bends down, which means we are about to wrestle! I get to run and jump and she holds my front arms and I bite her forearm and then she lets me go and runs to the bed and jumps on it and I jump on her and we roll around and she hits her flat hand on the side of my open jaws and I can't catch her hand to bite it and we both growl and it's so much fun!!!
- Kmup! = Come up. This is Mama in the morning when she's fed me and let me out for a pee and then she goes back to bed. Then I am allowed to get up on the bed with her and Dada and we all nap a little more together. It's a happy, warm, sleepy family.
You know, I guesss if I think about it, everytime Mama talks silly to me, something pretty awesome happens. So maybe it's not so bad...
By the way, I've decided to reveal my true identity, so become my friend on Facebook! My name is PDog Chocolate Lab.
Lots of licks and woofs,
Puppy Dog
Reader Comments (2)
When K & I come to see you in August, please remind K at some stage into the 4th day of our visit, that he is allowed to do something other than play with PD!