Health is Wealth - More Silent Evil

The voicemail message clicked on. It was Fluffy Bear:
"I have one word for you: FOUR! That's the word! FOUR! FOUR!"
He was yelling, a post-personal training rant.
That day, because of our schedules, we couldn't work out with Silent Evil together. At our previous workout, clearly high on endorphins released by pain and suffering, I had somehow agreed to meet Silent Evil for a 7:30am workout, while Fluffy Bear met with her that afternoon at 5.
For the first time since we started working out with her, Silent Evil made me do four rounds of an exercise combination. At first she used to make us do two rounds, and she had pushed us to three rounds in some of our workouts. But never four. Not till yesterday.
My round was:
- Ten pushups leaning on a bar which was set at about thigh height
- Twenty lunges - ten on each side
- Fifteen squats, holding a 20 pound weight
- Fifteen weight machine pulldowns
- Ten flying dumbell lifts, from hands next to thighs to right up above my head
- Twenty step ups onto a box, lifting knee when up on the box - ten on each side
When I got home I told Fluffy Bear what I'd had to do and bet him that he would have an easier time of it because he grunts and groans.
But it sounds like Silent Evil plays fair with her torture.
Equitable Evil.
I like it.
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