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That's Life - Collections


My dear friend, EverywhereEventually, wrote a blog post on things he has collected which, bizarrely, includes "Leather bookmarks from British stately homes."


So I began to think about things I have collected.


And here's what I came up with:


  1. Wrinkles

  2. Fat deposits

  3. Shoes with heels so high I can't wear them

  4. Intolerance for minor, petty things

  5. Hair - in my hairbrush and in my shower plughole

  6. Blocked follicles that turn into pimples wherever I depillate

  7. Split finger nails

  8. Athlete's foot bacteria

  9. Dog hairs - all over my house

  10. Chin hairs

  11. Gaudy jewellery I don't like but won't donate to charity

  12. Pretty blouses that are too small which I will "thin into in six months"

  13. Hemarroids

  14. Jeans which are too small which I will "thin into in six months"

  15. A bikini I bought in a flash of insanity which I will never, ever wear

  16. Odd socks

  17. Certificates of this and that, including my First Communion

  18. The entire works of Charles Dickens, in a box in storage in the UK, unread

  19. Men who wanted to f#$k me but not have me as a girlfriend

  20. Insecurities

  21. Therapists

  22. Antidepressants

  23. Vitamins, supplements, powders

  24. Massage therapists

  25. Little samples of cosmetics/facial products which I never use

  26. Out of date sunscreen sprays and creams

  27. Old medecines which I can't remember what they were prescribed for

  28. Scarves and pashminas

  29. Lingerie I never wear

  30. Adult pleasure toys I never use


I need that woman on British Telly to come and help me clean out my house. But I am not sure I'd want my lingerie and other unmentionables strewn on my front lawn. And what would the Red Cross do with my d$$$os?







Reader Comments (2)

Your list makes me wish I had thought harder about my own...

The leather bookmark thing though is unique to the UK. I have never seen any anywhere else. But in all the shops of all the museums and stately homes in the UK, bookmarks with embossed scenes of the place are available alongside the erasers, keyrings and fridge magnets. When I was about 23 or so, as I packed for a flat move I wondered why I had kept them and got rid of all but 2, which I still use. I did have about 160!!

March 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commentereverywhereventually

I see an Ebay opportunity missed...

March 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterItty Bitty Crazy

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