Hello from Puppy Dog: What's in a name?

Hello Friends,
As I said in my last note, Mama has lots of names for me. Some of them I get, but others I just don't understand. Maybe you can help me.
- "Bad Dog" - I get this one. It's when I've been naughty. But I'm a good dog, really... mostly
- "ADD Dog" - Mama yells this sometimes when I get distracted in the middle of a pee and run off. But if there's a Stinking Squirrel, what am I supposed to do? Squirrels must die!
- "Crazy Mutt" - Mama said this to me when I tried to climb a tree to chase a Stinking Squirrel. It's not my fault she cuts my claws! I could've got up there! I could've.
- "OI!" - I am not sure if this is a name. Mama and Dada yell it when I try to jump into a fountain when we walk in town. But I love water! And the fountains are for everyone, right? So why aren't they for me?
- "You Fucking Little Bastard" - Dada called me this special long name when he was holding the leash and I ran after a Stinking Squirrel. It's not my fault the leash isn't long enough! And Dada was being ridiculous. I didn't really pull his arm off. Geez!
- "Pig Dog" - Mama calls me this when I win the tennis ball race against other dogs in the park and carry three balls in my mouth. If the other dogs are too slow, that tough. It's dog eat dog. Or at least, dog eat other dog's tennis ball.
- "Silly Boy!" - Mama yells this when I get out of the river at the park and go over to her and show her how cool I am by giving a good shake and getting rid of all the water. She really doesn't appreciate my prowess.
- "Fish Face" - Mama and Dada yell this and giggle when I scratch a particular place on my shoulder that feels reeeeeeeally good. When I do it I can't help but stick my head forward and sideways so my lips stretch and Mama says I look like a fish. Sometimes Mama finds the spot and scratches it and I stick my face out and my leg just goes crazy all by itself and Mama and Dada giggle in that irritating way that Hairless Apes do.
- "My Baby Boy" - This is my favorite. Mama calls me this when I curl up with her on the couch and put my head on her knee and she scratches behind my ears... blisssssssss.
Lots of licks and woofs,
Puppy Dog
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