Hello from Puppy Dog: Stupid Prey

Yesterday we came home and Mama let me out of the car, like she always does, without my leash. I am a good dog and I know where to go when she says "Home".
But as I got in front of our house I saw a Hairless Ape on our front porch! He was big and blue and had a funny bag. He was holding little white square things.
I ran up to the porch and barked at him, asking who he was and what he was doing in front of my territory. He froze and smelled scared and that's when I realized that he was my favorite kind of thing: Prey.
Big Prey think that they are harder for me to catch than small Prey, but they are kidding themselves. Small Prey is fast and nimble, but big Prey is generally slow. They may be harder to bring down but, as the saying goes, the bigger they are, the harder they fall.
This Prey used a small Prey tactic. It froze. How dumb is that?
It was so big I could see exactly where it was! I need movement to see Stinking Squirrels, but big Prey I can spot a mile away.
Then Mama sprinted up and yelled at me. I barked at her that I was hunting, Thank You very much, and didn't need distraction right at that moment.
She kept saying "I'm so sorry" to the Prey and grabbed me by the collar. The Prey was mumbling and shuffled past me to go next door. I tried jumping out of Mama's grasp - with the Prey in front of the steep bank in front of our house I knew just one push would take it down and I'd be on its neck in a flash.... ah, the thrill of the hunt!
But Mama held on and dragged me into the house.
But I know this Prey. I've seen it before. It thinks it can come and invade my territory every day. I know it will be back on Monday, and Tuesday, and Wednesday. And one day, one day, I'll learn how to turn that round thing that opens the front door and then the Prey will be mine, all mine.
With love and woofs,
Puppy Dog.
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