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Dear Diary - New Year's Resolutions


Dear Diary,

I am making two types of New Year's Resolutions this year. 

I read a post the other day about changing one's thinking on resolutions.  It was all about giving oneself gifts rather than rules.

And so, for 2010, I am going to give myself the following gifts:


  • The gift of exercise, to help me manage stress, increase my energy and improve my health
  • The gift of clear lungs, through keeping up the Nicorette gum.  I am also not going to pressure myself on this point, so that I can keep chewing as long as I need to
  • The gift of relaxation - time to read, long hot baths, switching off the laptop, fun with my furkids, dates with my husband
  • The gift of experiencing and seeing new things, taking walks and trips with my Fluffy Bear and the furkids
  • The gift of friendship, making time to spend with my wonderful friends (my surrogate family) 
  • The gift of family, making time to talk to my relatives overseas through Skype, email and IM
  • The gift of success, by making an effort to do my work to the best of my ability
  • The gift of extending my networking, through meeting colleagues and making the time to attend events held by the organizations I am a member of
  • The gift of learning, through training courses, reading and job shadowing
  • The gift of treats - chocolate, massages, dinners out
  • The gift of fun - Flash Mobs, singing in public and other silly things
  • The gift of self-expression through dance and, of course, writing this blog!



The second type are actual resolutions, but ones I know I have a 100% chance of being able to keep:


  • I will shout "Batter up!" every time I burp out loud



Happy New Year!


Reader Comments (2)

So no pressure then!

I was vaguely aiming to visit 10 more countries.
I say vaguely...
I do have plans to specifically visit Fiji, Kiribati, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicargua, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.
I say plans...
I have bookings to visit those places! I have plans to go to Syria. On 23rd October with

December 27, 2009 | Unregistered Commentereverywhereventually


My darling I continually admire your commitment to doing what you love! Good for you!

But - dang! - what's happened to the blogging about it?

I keep checking and see no updates! What's up?

December 27, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterittybittycrazy

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