Quote Unquote - A Christmas Reminder from Sting

"Christmas is a very difficult time for some people. It has this gravitational pull towards your roots all the time. So if we can, we gravitate towards somewhere very warm, very familiar: home, the cradle, the hearth, the fireside.
We want to be in these places.
But, people who can't do that, who have no home to go to, they find it very, very depressing and it's not all 'God rest ye merry gentlemen' and 'everything is wonderful.'
Things aren't.
Things are tough."
Who are you helping out this Christmas? Do you have a colleague who is an immigrant and doesn't have family here and needs an invitation to Christmas dinner? Have you donated that old coat to the homeless? Have you dropped a gift for an impoverished child in a collection bin at your local market? Did you donate some cans of food to your local soup kitchen?
Before you eat yourself stupid and open all those presents, help someone out.
Reader Comments (2)
And even more, help someone out AFTER the holidays when folks forget those in need.
That is a great point!