He Said She Said - Cleaning time

"It's 10pm!" he said. "What are you doing?"
"What does it look like I'm doing?" she replied.
"You're cleaning the floor."
"Yes, I am."
"But the cleaner is coming tomorrow!"
"Yes, and she can't see our kitchen floor like this. The dogs have brought too much mud in from outside. It's embarrassing."
"Are you listening to yourself?"
"It makes perfect sense to me," she said, pushing the mop violently.
"I'm just going to go..." he said, "Uh... back to the living room, sit down, and watch TV. OK? I'll be just in here..." He backed away, slowly.
Reader Comments (3)
I must say, I'm with Fluffy Bear on this one.
omg, i do the same thing. the night before the maid comes i clean up or pick up the whole house. hehe
You should have SEEN the pile of dirt she swept up in the kitchen - all dried mud from outside and dog hair...
Thanks for being on my side! ;-)