Puppy Talk - Contractual obligation

Puppy Girl: Hey, what are you doing in Dada's office?
Puppy Dog: Nothing. Go away.
Puppy Girl: I won't go away! What are you doing?
Puppy Dog: None of your beeswax. Go away.
Puppy Girl: Why are you sniffing Mama's papers?
Puppy Dog: I'm not. Go away.
Puppy Girl: I won't go away! Tell me what you're doing!
Puppy Dog: I'm trying to find it, OK? It must be in here somewhere...
Puppy Girl: What?
Puppy Dog: Nothing.
Puppy Girl: What? What? What? What? What? What? What?
Puppy Girl: What contract?
Puppy Dog: The one Mama and Dada signed with the lady we got you from.
Puppy Girl: What?
Puppy Dog: Are you deaf? The. Lady. We. Got. You. From. Don't you remember?
Puppy Girl: No, I don't. I was a baby. D'uh!
Puppy Dog: Well, I heard her tell Mama and Dada that you're guaranteed. I want to find out the return policy. Maybe there's an "irritating the living shit out of her brother" clause.
Puppy Girl: I HATE YOU!
Reader Comments (3)
I'm with the boy on this at the moment.
Hey Pdog, get a grip! I told you that I checked that @%#^%$ contract and "drives the living shit out of you" is not in the return policy.
Sorry, Theo
Hey Theo!
I know! I checked and it's not in the contract! Why did Mama and Dada sign it with that vital clause missing! They are so naieve!