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Dear Diary - 6 months to live?


Dear Diary,

I am watching Bucket List on TV and, apart from reminding me to update my own list, it's making me think what I'd do if I was told I had 6 months to live.

Here are a few ideas:


  • Take up smoking again
  • Drive an American muscle car round a racetrack
  • Have a lot of sex with Fluffy Bear
  • Hire a female prostitute to give Fluffy Bear a threesome
  • Walk my dogs a LOT
  • Throw a big party for all my friends - 80's theme, of course
  • Get one of those massages where 4 people massage you at once
  • Try smoking pot
  • Try Ecstasy
  • Skydive, tandem of course (fuck taking all that pre-learning crap)
  • Go back to South Africa and throw another big party for my family and friends there
  • Go on the scariest rollercoaster I can find
  • Hire a professional dancer to dance salsa with me at a club (I know enough to be led in a fairly decent dance)
  • Sit on Fluffy Bear's lap and be held.



Reader Comments (2)

Can I just say that I adore your sense of humor, without sounding stalker-ish? You made me burst out laughing with this one. Oh, and I'm in total agreement. Go for the gusto or just flicker out? I'll take the gusto any day....

November 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLiz C.


Thank you! Big smiles here!

As the poem says: "out with a bang, not a whimper"

November 27, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterittybittycrazy

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