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Puppy Talk - Crate


Puppy Dog:  What are you doing?  You're squirming like an eel!

Puppy Gir:  Mama wants me to go in the crate and I don't want to!

Puppy Dog:  But you heard Mama - it's Relaxytime.

Puppy Girl:  I don't want to relax!  I want to play!  More!  MORE!

Puppy Dog:  Come on, you were lying down all the time when we were playing just now.  You're tired.

Puppy Girl:  Am not!  I was just resting my eyes!

Puppy Dog:  Just go in your crate.  You can come out and play after your rest.

Puppy Girl:  Why are you on her side?

Puppy Dog:  I'm not on any side.  I just know you need to chill out for a bit.  Look, Mama even has a treat ready for when you go in.

Puppy Girl:  Oh I get it.  Whenever I get a treat, you get a treat first, because you're Mr I'm-so-special dominant dog.  You just want me to go in the crate so you can get a treat!

Puppy Dog:  Don't be silly.  Now go inside!

Puppy Girl:  What's it worth to ya?

Puppy Dog:  [Sigh] I'll let you lie on my cushion later.

Puppy Girl:  For real?

Puppy Dog:  Yes.  But don't pee or poop on it.  Now go in.

Puppy Girl:  It's a deal!  Check you later!

Puppy Dog:  [Sigh]  Kids!

Reader Comments (2)

OHMYGOSH! This reminds of Salem and my puppy Anna (well she is 1 1/2 now but still the puppy). They both get treats when she goes to her crate.

Cute commentary!

November 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAngelia

Thanks Angelia I decided to take anthropomorphising my pets to new heights!

November 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterittybittycrazy

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