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That's life - Stimulate your trouser snake


I am starting to develop a strange kind of respect and awe for the people who send out spam emails about Viagra and Cialis.  To get through our firewalls, they try their very best to come up with subject lines that look normal, but somehow refer to the horizontal mambo.

Here are a few that were caught in by my spam trap today:


  • Let passion be strong!
  • Plus to your libido
  • Make it rock-like n twitching
  • Turn on for your horn
  • Your sensual doping
  • Be her volcano
  • Charge your trouser-warrior!
  • Take for hot joy
  • Make your coupling spicy!
  • Always green light for love!  (this is my favorite)
  • Become the king of in-out drilling!
  • Make her sweaty with ease
  • Amorous explosion recipe
  • Remind your wang how to hump
  • Give your rod perfect condition



Seriously, I'm not making this shit up.

And that's just in one day.

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