Did I say that out loud - Handstand Man

Sometimes I see a situation and a really terrible thing to say pops into my head. I occasionally even shock myself. So, rather than say them out loud, I'm going to write them here.
Yesterday morning I went to yoga class. I arrived ten minutes before and, as per usual, there were a few people already there, mats set up, some lying down and resting, some stretching, even one woman doing ab exercises.
And then there was the old guy.
He was up the front of the room, against the mirror, doing extreme moves. He did downward dog with his hands against the wall, pushing himself into a higher-arsed pose.
Then he flipped himself up into a full handstand agains the wall.
And this thought popped into my head.
I could go over to him, bend down so my mouth was near his ear, and say:
"The fact that you can do that doesn't make you any less old and wrinkled, you know."
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