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He Said She Said - Donut


"What do you want for dinner?" he said.

"A donut," she said.

"You can't have a donut for dinner," he said.

"Oh, yes I can," she said.

"How about chilli?" he said.

"Chocolate donut," she said.

"We ate a big lunch and we both had rice.  Not chilli, then.  How about soup?  That's healthy," he said.

"Chocolate donut, with coffee," she said.

"OK, honey, I know that today would have been your dad's birthday, but--"

"Chocolate donut, with coffee, then possibly a second donut," she said.

"Honey, you need to break the cycle of comforting yourself with foo--"

"Donut," she said, slowly and quietly.

"OK, it's before 4pm, let's go get you a donut," he said.

"Donut," she said.

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