Hello from Puppy Dog - New Tricks

They say an old Hairless Ape can't learn new tricks. Well, Mama seems to be an annoying exception.
Every time she goes over to see Theo's mama, she comes back with some new-fangled idea. Theo has two sisters - Tara and Tasha - all chocolate labs, like me. Theo's mama knows a lot about how to look after dogs properly. I just wish she'd keep it to herself!
So the latest thing is this.
First Mama goes into the water room and does that buzzing thing that makes it look like she has rabies (freaked me out the first time she did that, but then she bent down and the foam was all gone).
Then she comes into the kitchen and makes me sit.
I know what's coming - I'm not stupid - and I show her that I don't like it, but she does it anyway - that's how mean she is.
She puts a little red thing on her finger and puts some chickeny paste on it. It smells like chicken but it isn't chicken. I know - I'm not stupid.
Then she moves my lips and starts rubbing this stuff on my teeth and she goes into my cheeks and behind my big defense-weapon-biting-tooth and she makes me open my jaws so she can reach the teeth in the back and I try to lick the stuff away but she just keeps going and sometimes she even puts more paste on the red thing and she rubs and rubs and I hate it and it just goes on and on and on...
I know I could bite her hand, but I don't - I'm not stupid.
Lots of licks and woofs,
Puppy Dog
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