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Hell is other people - Jane Joyce

James Joyce has been re-incarnated.  As a woman.  
And he isn't allowed to be a writer this lifetime, so he's decided to just live his stream of consciousness expression through cacophonous verbalization.
No, I'm not crazy.  This is just the only explanation I can think of for the woman two rows back on the plane yesterday who had a loud, nasaly voice and did not shut the fuck up for two and a half hours.
Example of her stream of consciousness monologue (and yes, it was a monologue, because the poor woman sitting next to her couldn't get a word in edgewise):
Yes, I have three kids.  My first is 13 and is finding where she fits in at school.  You know how that is.  My second is doing fine, far as I can tell.  My third is kinda stressy.  You know, the youngest, not the strongest.  He is also the only boy, so it's hard.  We try to help him and make sure he has man time with his daddy but it's hard because my husband works so hard and I'm the one home all day and so he is surrounded by three females and oh, we had such a sad time last year when our dog died.  We had her for 13 years.  We were at the vet and I was just crying and crying.  So silly I know but I just remembered all the great times we had together you know?  She would play with the kids and jump up on the bed and I remember her chewing my shoes when she was a puppy and she used to swim in the lake with the kids and she really looked after my youngest when he wanted to just be boisterous and go outside and play.  But he can also play with our little rabbit.  Yes, we have a bunny.  He's the cutest little thing.  Brown and soft and cuddly.  Our neighbor has one of those rabbits that are white with red eyes.  I don't like those, they're creepy.  Mostly it just stays in the garden and the mud room but my second daughter likes to take it up to her room and I told her, I said, just be careful of all those wires up there, honey.  And of course with us and the neighbor having rabbits we have to be so careful with our fences because just the tiniest hole and they'll get out...
Hell, my friends.
Hell is other people.

Reader Comments (5)

The only thing worse than that is sitting in a middle seat between two seriously overweight people. You have my sympathy.

October 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBritney Bennett

That is a LOT of signs. You have to wonder why they bothered.

October 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBritney Bennett

I simply hate it when I'm near anyone like that. It makes me nuts & hubby always says "Relax." But, when someone is obnoxiously loud and boring it grates me like a cheese grater. That, and screaming kids. Because it's usually the two of us traveling, I swear some huge overweight person always sits next to me so that all I can do is just sit there, with no arm rests. I always take my iPod and earphones so I don't have to talk to them.

Our uncle that died recently, hated it so much that he made up a list of questions with his answers, typed it up, and made copies. He'd carry them with him when he traveled or went skiing. If anyone attempted a conversation with him, he just handed them the sheet. He was such a character!

Yes, Hell is other people...

October 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLiz C.

Your uncle is a genius and is receiving his reward in heaven, I am sure of it.

He is in a very quiet, restful place, where anyone who tries to talk above a certain decibel level instantly loses their voice for 4 hours, and anyone who talks to a stranger gets teleported to hell for five minutes.

October 17, 2009 | Registered CommenterIttybittycrazy

OMG - until you said that Agent 001 had a daughter I was sure you were talking about a woman in my church!! A group of us go out to lunch together after services on Sunday - and no one sits by her - but she manages to drown out all other conversation!! I actually spoke to her about it once and she said "I know I do that but I live alone and never get to talk to anyone." I felt compassion for her - but only until the next group conversation or rather non-conversation!!

October 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAngelica

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