He Said She Said - TMI

They walked into the airport terminal.
"Is there a long queue at Security?" she asked. "Because I have to pee. That latte on the way here is getting me."
"Don't worry," he reassured her. "The line isn't long. And I have to pooh."
"There really is no TMI between married couples, is there?" she said.
"Nope," he said.
They pushed their way through to the shortest line - why do people always go to the first line and not spread out among all the Xray machines? - got through the bureaucracy and headed for the escalator. He was in front of her, one step below as they glided downwards.
"Guess what?" he said. "I just did a pre-pooh fart. And you're my wife and you have to stand in it! HAH!"
"Oh my God," she said. "Oh my GOD!"
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