Hello from Puppy Dog - Whiny baby

Hello Friends
Oh my God I am so sick of the new baby!
Why is she here?
Why are there gates and crates and rules ever since she arrived?
And why does she make so much noise?!
I ask her:
"Puppy Girl, why are you crying?"
And she always has something to complain about!
Boo hoo hoo, she's tired.
Boo hoo hoo, she's bored.
Boo hoo hoo, she's hungry.
Boo hoo hoo, she needs to pee.
Boo hoo hoo, she wants to play.
Boo hoo hoo, she needs to poop.
Boo hoo hoo, she doesn't want to be in her crate.
Boo hoo hoo, she wants to chew something she shouldn't.
I said to her, I said:
"Puppy Girl! Shush!
"You, with your puppy gates and your special crate and your bio-something food bowl! You think your life is hard?
"Trying being a teenager with no testicles! THAT'S hard!"
Stupid baby.
Lots of irritation and annoyance,
Puppy Dog
Reader Comments (3)
Of course, I had to go back & read what I've missed. The new puppy is SO adorable, but it's always like having a new baby of any kind, annoying as well as adorable. Whatever. You still become sleep deprived for the first 6 months, LOL!
I just watched Marly & Me for the first time the other night and Wow, did I ever get a great tear duct cleansing. If you haven't seen it, then you must... it's wonderful!!!!
Oh - and thanks to you I wasted my entire day watching all the episodes of GLEE.... the characters are all completely nuts and I LOVE them all!
Oh, and I meant to say that your dog's picture above is completely hysterical. It's like he's saying "How did my life come to this?" Pretty soon, they'll get to be best buddies.
Marley and Me had us sobbing. And we called Puppy Dog to come over to us for a hug and he just wasn't picking up on the emotion. In fact, I think he gave us a look a lot like the one in that picture!
Isn't Glee wonderful? Such silliness, but such fun!
Puppy Dog is currently walking around with a bone in his mouth, with Puppy Girl hanging off the other end of it. Needless to say, he's growling. She is fearless, and is growling and barking right back. He is actually adjusting pretty well, and getting gentler with her.
This evening she ran up to his food bowl, climbed through his legs and started eating, and he just backed away. I was astonished!
Of course SHE'LL start blogging soon... stay tuned!