Depression and ECT 47: Sympathetic vs. Parasympsthetic

I've suffered from depression since I was a pre-teen. In 2012 I got very sick, becoming suicidal. In 2013 I decided to try ElectroConvulsive Therapy. The "Depression" series of blog posts chronicles that process.
I'm becoming increasingly tired of being in Fight or Flight mode with the Sympathetic system engaged, rather than Rest and Digest mode, with the Parasympathetic system engaged.
We have evolved far beyond needing to use Fight/Flight all the time yet we condition ourselves to live with it's grip: sports, dramas on TV, yelling at other drivers, competitions like The Voice... Everything is constantly spiking our adrenaline and we think that the excitement that comes with that stress makes life interesting.
Instead, we should be calm, and finding ways to experience pure joy. Positive joy. Peaceful joy.
Watching comedies and eating treats are the closest we get. And spending time with loved ones.
I'm starting to question sitting in front of TV with dramas spiking my adrenaline for hours at night without executing the physical action that would give an outlet to those chemicals on my body.
Find more comedies on TV. Or read a book. I'm considering going back to read my anthology of Dickens...
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