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He Said She Said - Earworm


He was checking Facebook.

"Bonnie Tyler is doing Eurovision for the UK!" he said.

"Yes I saw that last night," she replied. "And thank you very much, by the way, now I have that damn song in my head."

"What song? 'I Need a Hero'?"

"No, that one would actually be better."

"Haha! Listen to this comment: 'Bonnie Tyler does UK Eurovision. Total eclipse of the career?'"

"Aaaaargh! That's the song! Now it's in my head! It's my second worst song of all time!"

"I can help you with that," he said, and began singing the Chicken Song.

"Oh thank you VERY much," she said. "That REALLY helps!"

"Did it work?"

There was a pause.

"Yes," she sighed.

He threw his head back and laughed.


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