He Said She Said - Game on

"I'm home!" she said.
"Hi," he said.
"Oh, God. Are you playing your Stupid Game again?"
"I tidied the kitchen, I put some laundry on, I get to play my game!"
"How can you sit there for hours and just clickety-click?"
"Go away."
"What are you doing?"
"I'm shooting a dragon."
"It's attacking me!"
"No, it's not. I can see it. It's just flying. Look how pretty it is."
"It just frosted me! Before you got home! Luckily I'm immune to frost."
"Well of course you're immune to frost. You're English! Dragons don't frost. That's stupid. And you shouldn't be shooting at it."
"It's going to attack me again!"
"Leave it alone! It's an endangered species!"
"Shut up. Where's my horse?"
"You have a horse?"
"Yes. Where did I leave it? Oh, there it is!"
"You left it out in the snow, all alone?"
"It waits for me!"
"You didn't even tie it up!"
"I don't have to. It waits for me."
"You can't even give it a measley carrot?"
"Shut up."
"Where are you going?"
"I'm trying to get down to that temple down there."
"Don't go that way! You'll kill the hor--- AAAAAARGH!"
"You killed the horse!"
"What about me? I died too."
"I don't care about you! You killed the horse!"
"Look. I'm alive again. And the horse is fine."
"Animal cruelty!"
"Shut up."
"Don't go that way! It's too steep!"
"I'm trying to find a way to get to the temple!"
"Well why don't you bloody look where you're going?"
"I CAN'T! It's a game!"
"The horse is slipping through the ice! WATCH OUT!"
"Oh, shit."
"Honey, you're doing this on purpose."
"Doing what?"
"Do you want to watch something, Honey?"
"Actually, I do have an episode of Project Runway All Stars to watch..."
"I hate you."
"No, you don't. But you clearly have it in for that poor horse. What's his name, anyway?"
"How can you not name your horse?"
"That's it! I'm turning off the Xbox! Here! Take the remote! I'm going!"
"Seeing as you're up, can I have a cup of tea?"
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