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He Said She Said - Dreaming






"Good morning," he yawned, stretching.
"Hi Honey," she said. "How are you?"
"Still waking up," he mumbled.
"Did you sleep OK?"
"Hmmmm... I had weird dreams..."
"What about?"
"We were renovating this big house. Really big. And I was working for a newspaper and my office was in the attic."
"Sounds like it was all about creative projects. Did you recognize the house?"
"Um... No... I don't think so..."
"Was it the one two blocks down with the massive wraparound porch?"
"Was it the gray one that needs a lot of work but has a massive yard?"
"Was it the brick one on the way to the gym with the deck?"
"I don't think it was any house we know."
"Honey!" she chided, jerking him fully awake.
"What us the point of dreaming about any house that isn't one of the ones I want?"
"Very funny," he said, turning and walking to the kitchen. "I need coffee now."


To read more in this series, click here.


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