The Incredible Journey - 1 June, 1994

In 1994, I did what most white South Africans my age saw as a right of passage. I went on a tour of Europe with a schoolfriend and her girlfriend. I was in my early 20's.
These are the letters and faxes (this was before everyone had email, Children) I sent home and entries from my diary. They are all real. I couldn't make this shit up.
The trip started in January 1994. To read the posts in order, go the Itinerary Post.
1 June - Brissac
In the afternoon, after Fifi went back to school after lunch (kids in France come home from school for lunch), we went for a drive in the country. First we went up to Tharaux - a tiny village at the top of a hill, overlooking a flat plain. One has to park one's car outside the village and walk up the steep, narrow roads. It is centuries old. Move of the houses were closed up and we met a lonely old man who said they were mostly owned by Germans who came in the summer.
There was a small church, beautifully decorated but falling into disrepair. The town's chateau was owned by a Swiss man as his holiday home.
These were the feudal villages of the past. Up on a hill for defence, cultivated lands in the valley below. Now they are dead places. So sad.

After that we drove to the Pont D'Arc de Vallon, a part of a the river with many lovely spots to swim and so on. There were stacks of campsites and canoes for hire. It is canoe country. We wound up the mountain and saw the Arch, which had been cut out of the stone by water corosion. The mountains were very pretty in a Gorrillas in the Mist introductory sweeping shot kind of way.
7 June - Letter home
Hello Family!
Can't figure out when I wrote last so if I repeat myself - sorry!
It was really nice to speak to you on the phone, Dad. Sorry if I was a bit short but I felt really bad using Caroline's phone. I hope you got the fax OK.
We took the kids to the Feria at Ales. There were tons of fetes all over this area in the summer. It was a typical fete - Spanish influence clear. But the whole experience was marred by losing Fifi and a 20 minute panic. After she was found we saw a few bands and were amused by Leontine dancing.
Caroline took me for a drive after dropping Fifi back at school after lunch. We went up to a small village called Tharaux. It is really small and most of the houses are closed up till summer. We met an old man who retired there and he told us that the houses are owned by foreigners who throw open the shutters and make the village come to life. He seemed very lonely. The chateau, such as it is, is owned by a Swiss. The tiny village is on a hill overlooking a flood plain and has a river at the foot of it. As you wind up you park your car in a parking area and walk up to the village - you can't take your car up there. The narrow walkways between the houses are sometimes composed of steps. A quaint little place, but I couldn't live there.
Nick came home from the oil rig. He seems like a really nice guy.
On Sunday Paul came up with his two kids for lunch. Aimee didn't come because she wanted to clean the house in peace without the kids. It was a nice family lunch but you just can't relax with kids around. The kids are the same age so they play well together. It seems to me that Caroline's kids are more developed. They speak better, etc.
It was a nice family day. We played cards in the evening.
Paul is a nice guy - very simple and straightforward. He is very proFrance and antiChirac. He is very nice to me so we get on well. He left early to go fishing.
Monday was a public holiday so we took the kids to river. The river here is like going to the beach back home - same mentality. It wasn't too hot so I just sat under a tree and read a book all day. Jean was sulking because he couldn't swim - he fell off his bike and has 5 stitches.
They have a blow up crocodile (like a lilo) and next thing Maxine was sitting on it and floating off down the river. Nick waded in to get her but she was completely calm. She didn't cry or panic. She just watched him come to get her.
Last night I babysat the kids while Nick and Caroline went out for the first time alone in years. Apparently the first time since they got to France - 5 years! Ridiculous! (I'm never having kids.) The children weren't a problem and even Jean went to bed when I asked him to. He can be very difficult when he wants to be - very cheeky.
Friday we went to Montpellier with Nick getting tense in the back seat. He does not drive but has an advanced license in criticism. I had a hard time with first Fifi then Leontine on my lap, the latter finally covering me in chewing gum. Remind me not to have kids.
We got to Paul's and I said goodbye to everyone and Caroline took me to Tante M's house.
I have spoken to Caroline about it and I think I'll come back to her for Christmas. It'll be nice to spend Christmas with family.
Lots of love and kisses....
The trip started in January 1994. To read the posts in order, go the Itinerary Post.
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