Hello from Puppy Dog - I did a very silly thing

Hello friends!
I'm not having a very good time right now. It's all very confusing.
I was running in the yard with my sister the other day and then suddenly my leg went funny. I hobbled into the house to tell Dada that something wasn't right, and he put me into the moving den and took me to see the Jab Man. You know the one. The one that you go and see and then he jabs you with something and it hurts.
The Jab Man moved my leg around and talked to Mama and Dada and then they put me back in the moving den and we went to this strange place. When we got there they put me on a strange log and put leashes around my body! I didn't like it.
Then some other lady moved my leg around and my neck from side to side and she put some weird cold silver thing on my chest and there was a very bright fake sun and lots of hairless apes all around me and I really, really didn't like it.
Then they took me to see Mama and Dada who looked very scared. That's when I got really scared.
The lady told my Mama and Dada that I have Eff See Eeeee. She said that I was running or jumping and a small piece of cart eel itch broke off and went into my blood and then it blocked something and then blood didn't go to my spine and then my legs went funny. I don't really understand all that. All I can tell you is that my right front leg won't work and my right back leg feels very weird too.
So then I thought it was all over and time to go home. When I go to the Jab Man and he moves me around or jabs me, we always go home afterwards. But, no! Mama and Dada said goodbye and they were crying and the hairless apes took me away! It was horrible! I was soooo scared!
They took me to a big room with other dogs and I had my own cushion and pen and water and I stayed there for aaaaaaaages! There was so much fake sun in the room and so many dogs and the hairless apes kept coming inside and taking me for potty and talking to the other dogs and taking them away somewhere. I got no sleep at all, and I was reeeeeally tired!
I was freaking out. Where were Mama and Dada? Why was I in this horrible place? Why were other dogs crying all the time? I wanted to GO HOME!
I don't like pottying in strange places so then I had an accident which was so awful I don't even want to talk about it. I just tried to think of nice things like swimming and big bones and my lil sis, who suddenly didn't seem so annoying anymore.
It felt like I was in that place for a very long time. But then a hairless ape took me to a new place and Mama and Dada were there! I was so happy! YAY!
I couldn't walk properly and the lady was holding me with some strange thing under my tummy to help me but I tried to run to Mama and Dada anyway.
Then the lady hairless ape made me lie down and she talked to Mama and Dada and she moved my right front and right back legs around, which was annoying. Then Dada did the same thing to my legs and they talked and talked and talked. All I wanted was to go home.
Then Dada put some weird thing on me that goes around my middle and he stood up and somehow it helped me get up and walk. Then Mama and Dada took me to our moving den. I was even more happy!
I was so tired when I got home. Mama and Dada moved all the stuff around in the house and put two beds right next to the soft logs where they sit and watch the bright box. I just collapsed and slept.
So now it's the next day and I don't feel right at all. Walking is very hard and Mama and Dada walk next to me all the time and hold the thing around my middle and I don't want to go potty with one of them standing right next to me. I waited till I reeeeeally couldn't hold it anymore.
I really don't know what's going on. My legs are there, but they don't do what I want them to. Actually my leg is listening to me a little bit more today, but not much. Mama and Dada keep moving my legs around - which is annoying - but they also massage me, which is nice.
Sometimes Mama cries. I don't know why. They both seem very upset.
My lil sis just comes over and sniffs me and keeps asking me where I went and if it was for a long walkies and what did I see and sniff? She's very annoying.
I'm very tired all the time. So I'm going to go now.
Life is weird.
Lots of licks and woofs,
Puppy Dog
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Reader Comments (3)
Get well soon my boy!
I am so very sorry to hear about PDog....a Fibro-Cartilagenous Embolism...who would have guessed....Do they know how or why this has happened? What is his prognosis as far as gaining the ability to walk again? It sounds as if you are doing modeling which means there must be some hope...I'm sending you all the healing vibes I can conjure!
Lots of love, Jen (and Leo)
Thank you Jen and Leo!
An FCE happens when a dog (or human) jumps and lands awkwardly, or tries to stop too quickly. The jarring makes a small piece of cartilage come off the disc, and it gets into the bloodstream. It then causes a blockage in the blood vessels further down the line, starving a piece of the spinal cord of blood. That causes a stroke-like reaction in the spinal cord, and results in paralysis.
The paralysis is not permanent, and is treated with rehab. Essentially, the body has to be taught to recognize the signals, which start to get through again as the blood vessels find alternative paths.
Each day, the dog gets a bit better, and recovery can be quite remarkable.
We are lucky that Puppy Dog was only paralyzed on one side, and it's serious only in one leg. Many dogs are completely paralyzed and so rehab is that much more difficult.
Puppy Dog also has the luxury of having control over his pee and poop. Not that it makes a difference because he is one of those dogs who likes privacy, so having one of us next to him holding him up by the handle on his life jacket, is not conducive to him letting it all out, so to speak. So we've had a few accidents, but there have also been potties outside, so he is holding out of stress and stubborness, not because his body is unable to function.
When he's tired, his walking is much worse, and he struggles to stay sitting up. But, on a good day, he lollops along and can hold himself up straight while sitting and, if you place his paw down properly (instead of letting him rest on the kunckle), he can also stand.
There are various youtubes showing dogs improving day by day, which are very encouraging.
Thank you for your concern... we'll keep you posted as he limps, then walks, then runs along the road to recovery.