Divided by a Common Language - Perception Deception

The next time an American pokes fun at the blandness of British food, I am going to reply:
"Well, you have to remember, we don't have slaves to cook for us. Are yours good in the kitchen? I'd love some recipes for traditional American dishes!"
Then, when they ask what I'm talking about I'll say:
"Here's the deal. You let go of your ridiculously outdated perceptions of England, and I'll return the favor about your country."
To read more unnecessary invective (and occassional humor) in the Divided by a Common Language series, click the Tag below or the Category link on the left.
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Reader Comments (2)
I'm a Yank who lived in England for 13 years - it took me a little while to learn this lesson. Now I'm back in the States I miss English food a lot. Most days I would give my eye-teeth for a steak and kidney pie, a REAL shepherd's pie or a bit of haggis! And there isn't a decent curry in sight!
We are simpatico!
What did you miss from the US when you were in the UK? Decent waffle/pancakes? Cheap steak? Main lobster?
Those of us who live in other countries will always have a foot in each one...