Hi from Puppy Girl - Pink Squirrel

Hi everyone!
I'm Puppy Girl!
It's the second time I'm talking to you and I--
Hello Pink Squirrel! You have a very, very fluffy tail. How are you today?
Oh, that's good. Well, sorry, but I'm talking to my Mama's friends.
Yes, OK, we'll talk later.
Sorry about that. Where was I?
Oh yes...
Hello again!
I had a very fun weekend! We went to Tasha's house to play with her and Theo. Tasha's daddy was throwing the ball for us and we were chasing it! It was such fun!
But then I ran and turned around and I---
What, Pink Squirrel? No, I don't want a rainbow, thank you. I'm busy.
Well, yes, that does look good, but why is it coming out of your bum?
Really? That's interesting...
OK, I'm sorry but I have to go---
Pink Squirrel?
Where'd he go?
Just disappeared! How rude!
Sorry about that. So, anyway... I was running and then I turned funny and I hurt my foot. It was very, very sore, and I had to walk on three legs.
But it felt a bit better after a day or two.
But then Dada took me to see the Vet man. And they did funny things and when I woke up I was really sore! It was horrible!
I was crying and crying!
But then Dada and Mama talked about "vallum" and gave me some knobbly peanut butter and I feel a lot better now.
And there's my new friend, the Pink Squirrel, who's been visiting me. Sometimes he floats on a little green cloud, and sometimes he has yellow smoke coming out of his ears.
Then he did the rainbow-bum thing, which was a bit strange, but he's very nice to me.
Also, I'm very sleepy.
So I am going to nap now. But it was nice to chat to you guys again--
What, Pink Squirrel? You're going read me a bedtime story? That's nice! Can it have lots of bones in it?
Really? Wow...
To read more in the Hi from Puppy Girl series, click here.
Reader Comments (2)
Hope Puppy Girl is doing ok! I actually picked up our pooch from the vet this morning after having had surgery yesterday for another ACL tear. Last year it was the left leg & this year it was the right leg.
We're actually cuddling right now on the floor. She's wearing the ever-so-attractive puppy cone on her noggin' and more than likely seeing pink squirrels as well!
Aw! I am sorry your baby had to have surgery! Wow, how parallel are our lives! Every time I read the Hubby Diaries I keep thinking that you must be my husband's secret wife living in another town, because you are describing him perfectly! Keep up the great blogging! Big hug to your poochie.